
5 Ways to Reduce Your Pets Stress


Dogs and cats are in our homes like never before. And while they are a source of comfort, they too feel. So here are 5 ways that reducing animal stress is pretty much the same as yours.

Drugs and Remedies Can Calm Animals

Cats and dogs feel pain and get sick. Painkillers and antibiotics work pretty much the same for animals as they do for humans. You’ve probably given your dog or cat some pain relief when they had a bad tooth or broke a leg. And, of course, pain causes distress to an animal, and they can become distracted and restless. Cannabis products can work for animals. CBD treats for dogs can help reduce sources of medical stress in your pets. They are great for older dogs with joint problems, younger dogs with injuries, and dogs with medical issues like epilepsy.

Social Interaction is Vital for Animals

Social interaction is a vital human need. But many species of animals, such as cats and dogs, also need interaction. Although some might come across as independent and solitary. Your cat doesn’t purr for no reason, and your dog will literally spend hours playing with you. And when all is done, they will cuddle into you all night. That’s because your pet trusts and has feelings for you. You are their source of comfort, just as they are yours. You can reduce animal stress with daily interactions such as talking, going outside, and introducing them to friends and family.

Reducing Animal Stress Includes Petting

Petting an animal lowers stress for you both. When you stroke your pet’s fur or hair, you’re releasing oxytocin in your body and theirs. Oxytocin is also the hormone released when you feel love for someone or something. Additionally, playing with a pet increases your serotonin and dopamine levels, both of which are known to reduce stress and anxiety. Touch is also essential for animals with limited senses. They know you are not a threat if you gently stroke them, and most have an acute sense of smell, which they will use as you pet them.

Animals Have Fears and Phobias

Animals, especially cats and dogs, have fears just like humans. And you need to alleviate these fears to help them cope. For example, it isn’t uncommon for puppies to go through separation anxiety when they leave the house. Additionally, animals feel an overwhelming sense of fear when they sense a threat. And a scared animal can lash out and attack you. You can comfort a fearful pet, but they may associate comfort with acting out. However, like humans, exposure to what they fear helps reduce the stress associated with it, getting better over time.

Animals React to External Forces

Animals have very sharp senses, and they react to things. The same chemicals are present in animals as humans but at a concentrated level. For example, they feel the effects of serotonin and cortisol. These induce the fight or flight response in both humans and animals. However, outside forces can cause significant distress to animals. For example, loud noises, bright lights, and strong smells distract cats and dogs. You can reduce the reactions with training, but it’s best to avoid situations as much as possible as humans.


Animals get stressed just like you. Fortunately, stress can be handled with some similar methods. For example, social interaction and petting help reduce stress in cats and dogs and you.


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