Can My Dog Eat This?

If you’re a dog owner, you will definitely want to show your dogs how much you love them and make them feel like a part of your family. 


We all know the old saying: “The way to your dog’s heart is through her stomach.” 


Some pet lovers like purchasing high-quality dog foods on the market to save their time and giving their canine the right balance of nutrients. Besides, some people like making their own dog food. And supplementing your dog with some human foods it a great idea.


Quality dog food can be very expensive. Adding healthy human food to your dog’s routine can save money and add some healthy nutrients into their lives. There are a lot of human foods that are perfectly safe and even healthy that our canine can eat as an occasional treat.


However, though all of us love making our furry friends happy by showering them with treats, you should always keep in mind that feeding your pooch anything not marketed with a dog on the box can be very tricky. Some foods are healthy for humans but can be toxic and potentially deadly for dogs. 


Even when you ask Google “what human foods dog can’t eat” you’re likely to get back some confusing and conflicting answers. Don’t be panic! 


Just remember that, when it comes to treating your dog with human foods, it’s best to do so in moderation. Even with food is deemed “safe” for dogs to eat, a rule of thumb is to feed it to your dog in moderation. All foods should be introduced into your dog’s diet gradually, so you can monitor him for adverse effects like allergic reactions. 

Furthermore, there is a fact that all dogs are different. One dog may tolerate a food just fine, while another experiences adverse effects. Most healthy dogs are perfectly able to digest raw meat without issue. But if your dog has a sensitive stomach, even commonly fed people food might not be an option for them.


Before sharing your snacks with your furry friend, read on the following infographic from CyberPet to learn which human foods are safe and which can send your dog straight to the vet.

50+ Human Food Your Dogs Can And Can Not Eat


Do you feed your dog human food?

What people food does your dog like?

5 thoughts on “Can My Dog Eat This?”

  1. Great list thank you for sharing and spreading the word. I’ve been reading about dogs getting sick because of xylitol in sugar free peanut butter. Heartbreaking for everyone.

  2. Good to know, many foods are toxic to pets like cats and dogs.. Always know roughly what foods are okay for them, it makes it just easier for both parties.

  3. This is such a helpful post to reference, you can never be too safe when it comes to your dog. Thank you so much for sharing, I am going to pin this.

  4. I do share some of my table food yet sometimes I worry. Maybe I should not have… It looks like I’m OK according to this list. Thank you

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