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How to Support A Loved One Who Is A Nurse

Do you have a loved one that is a nurse? Whether this is a partner, family member, or friend, you are sure to have been worried about them during the pandemic but also incredibly proud of the hard (and dangerous) work that they have been doing. Nurses have played an enormous role in the fight against the pandemic in providing care to patients, providing emotional support, and generally going above and beyond. Understandably, this has led to a tremendous amount of stress, with many nurses and others in the healthcare system feeling exhausted and overwhelmed. Read on for a few ways that you can show your love and support during this difficult time.


Buy Relaxation Gifts


Relaxation gifts for nurses are sure to be appreciated and could help them to relax and fully recover after a long shift. There are many good ideas here, including compression socks, scented candles, chocolates, or luxury bath products. Nursing is a stressful and demanding role at the best of times, but in times like this, those in healthcare are under immense strain, and a thoughtful gift like this could make all of the difference.


Abide by The Rules


The best way to show your love and support for nurses during this time is to abide by the rules and stay safe. It will be incredibly infuriating and disheartening to see people flouting the rules when your loved ones have been working so hard and held people’s hands as they have passed away, so abiding by the rules is an effective way to show your support and also stop them from worrying about you (as much).


Write Them A Letter


Another fantastic way to show your love and support for a loved one that is a nurse is to write them a handwritten letter. A handwritten letter will always be cherished in a time where communication is often rushed and impersonal, plus it gives you the chance to think and articulate your thoughts about what that person means to you, and when they have played such an enormous role in the fight against the pandemic.


Listen to Them


They will likely have people they can vent to after difficult days at the hospital, so you should also make yourself available. Of course, you will need to abide by the rules to do this, so you may not be able to provide a shoulder to cry on (unless you live in the same household), but simply lending them your ear could be hugely helpful in these stressful times and allow them to vent their frustrations.



Hopefully, this will give you a few ideas for ways to show a loved one who is a nurse (or any other healthcare professional) that you care and want to support them during this awful time. Nurses are playing a huge role in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic, and it is important to show your support and help in any way you can.

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