How To Discover Your Style And Build The Perfect Wardrobe


Ourselves and our style are definitely on show, and we want to bring our A-game. With social media constantly in the background and our whole lives online, we are the most photographed generation so far, and all increasingly conscious of the way we look. Developing your personal style can be difficult: it’s not about slavishly following fashion magazines, or splashing lots of cash in the shops. It’s about knowing yourself and your body, having an eye for clever combinations and attention to detail. The good news is, that means that you can learn how to find your unique style and celebrate it.

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Find Your Inspiration


While style is not at all about jumping on every trend bandwagon going if you are unsure where to begin it’s a great first step to seek out some style inspirations. You can do this by making a list of celebrities, fashion industry figures or bloggers whose style inspires you. Use this to figure out what you like. Is it girl-next-door classics, or a little bit rock and roll? Bohemian and free-spirited or streetwear influenced? Find out the style that speaks to you. And if there are elements from different styles that you like, so much the better. Combining different styles can be super chic.  Pinterest is a great tool for finding the styles that you like. Curate them into an inspiration board. You’ll probably start to see certain key themes and items of clothing cropping up repeatedly – these will be the building blocks of your style. Write down these common elements as you see them (it could be ‘black leather biker jacket’ or ‘pleated midi skirt’ or a pattern like ‘breton stripes’). These elements are appealing to something in your character, and this makes them authentic for you. Add in some personality with quirky accessories, like a pair of round glasses like Gandhi and Elton John, or a patterned silk scarf.


Shop Smarter

What you should be doing is buying less, but better quality. That means spending more money, although you will be saving it by not snapping up a volume of cheaper, badly made clothes. These are going to be pieces for the long haul, not items that change every year, so you need to get it right. Do your research and shop around to find the perfect black blazer, or structured tote bag, or whatever item you know you need. If an item is a classic for you and fits with your style, it’s an investment. 

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Add-In The Lifestyle Factor 


As nice as it would be to only consider what looks good, in real life you need an element of practicality as well. What you do for a living, the climate and weather of where you live, and the lifestyle you lead all feed into what clothes you will need. You may need clothes for parties and events or simply for walking the dog. You may work somewhere very corporate that needs a certain style of clothing or somewhere more creative where you can express your personality more. Looking across the different areas of your life, the aim should be to find versatile pieces that can tick multiple boxes for you and work hard in all the areas of your life. 


3 thoughts on “How To Discover Your Style And Build The Perfect Wardrobe”

  1. I’m not sure I have style, lol. Mostly, I’m old enough to care more about comfort than fashion trends. I tend to stick to colors that flatter my skintone and clothes that are comfortable.

      1. I am right there with you. If I never had to wear another thing other than shorts/jeans and a t-shirt or hoodie, I would be happy as a clam.

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