woman lifting weights 

How to Handle Common Activewear Challenges

For any fashionista, looking fab would always be on top of your mind, whether you are dressing up for a party, work, or even going to the gym. In fact, there are more challenges you may come across with activewear. You may have the size wrong just because you lose some pounds after a few months of workout or the fabric may have lost its stretch over time. The good thing, however, is that you can overcome them easily with quick fixes rather than major alterations. So you need not worry about retiring your fairly new stuff, rather fixing them with some smart ideas makes sense. Here are some common hacks that can help you always look fab and fit with your workout dressing.

Sports bra sizing issues

Women often buy sports bras according to size charts, seldom realizing that sizes may vary from brand to brand. Rather, trying before buying is the best approach otherwise you may end up with one that is just too tight or too loose. The hair conditioner trick is ideal for troubleshooting the tight bra issue. Soak it for half an hour in a bucketful of water mixed with a tablespoon of hair conditioner. Rinse and squeeze as much water as you can, stretch the damp bra, and let it dry completely. The conditioner softens the elastic and the bra loosens up. For a loose bra, you can use a safety pin to secure the back straps together and get a perfect fit. And you will even notice that each wash tightens the bra a wee bit.

Leggings size issue

Leggings are by far the most popular apparel for fitness-conscious women. But, unfortunately, they are also the easiest to lose shape. In fact, the lycra in the fabric loses its elasticity with every wash. For starters, you can choose fabrics that have better blends. Brands like, Fabletics by Kate Hudson, are known for designing leggings that can last you for more than one season and that too within your budget. It is easy to resolve loose legging issues and you need not give them up even if they seem to be in good condition otherwise. If the elastic waistband is loose, you can easily cut it a little shorter and sew it back in place for a snug fit. At times, you may find your leggings to be too long. Cutting the length is not a great idea. Rather, you can turn it up and sew it to Capri length for summers and again open it to full length for the cooler days. Even if you rip the leggings accidentally, applying some clear nail polish on the hole right away can prevent it from spreading wider.

Uncomfortable sneakers

There cannot be anything more annoying for gym-goers than sneakers that don’t fit well enough. The issue defeats the very purpose they are meant for by making motion utterly uncomfortable. A genius hack to stretch tight sneakers is by packing them in a water-filled Ziploc bag and letting it freeze till ice shrinks within them and loosens them up. Alternatively, wearing them with a thick pair of socks a few times will also make a difference. Filling them with a few cotton pads on the front and back can work for loose sneakers.

Malfunctions can happen even with the newest pieces of activewear. All you need to do is use these creative ideas and you can sort out things for good.

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