#ThursdayDoors Clear Spring MD Eclecticevelyn.com

What Mystery Lies Behind this Maryland Door?

#ThursdayDoors Clear Spring MD Eclecticevelyn.com


I was traveling through Maryland one cold, snowy day on my way back from New York.  Always one to take the backroads, I stumbled upon this beautiful door while sitting  at a stop light.  It was all alone, no other doors or windows on that side of the building.  When I saw this door, I knew it had a story to tell, so I captured it.

This door whispers to me of mysterious men, with hats pulled low, clandestine meetings of revolutionaries, and midwives called out into a blustery snow to bring new life into the world. What does this door say to you?


This is my entry for this weeks #ThursdayDoors over at Norm2.0

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7 thoughts on “What Mystery Lies Behind this Maryland Door?”

  1. This door says to me, ” Take me home, repurpose me, paint me, I am a strong door that needs a new home.” I would take it home too, but I al far far away and I don’t think the people who own the door would like it.

    That was fun, Thank you

  2. Oh, this door speaks to me. It may need a fair amount of DIY right now, but at some point in history it was a beauty. It has great bones. And, somewhere along the line I bet some side lights with attitude were taken down for those little bitty ones. Someone needs to give it some tender loving care and bring it back to life. 🙂

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