[clickToTweet tweet=”Even if it’s just for today put down the devices and hold a real book in your hands. via @glitterattitude” quote=”Even if it’s just for today put down the devices and hold a real book in your hands.” theme=”style3″]
I grew up loving books, real books, with their smudged ink on dog-eared pages held together by bent withering spines. The library was where I wanted to be. Surrounded by all the books I could ever want to read. I didn’t just love reading, I loved the smell and feel of the books. A lot of kids today have never even seen a real book let alone read one. They have kindles, nooks, tablets and cell phones. They even have them in schools now. Half the time I look at kids they have their noses in their devices playing a game. I don’t think I would like being a kid now or maybe I just wouldn’t know any better and would accept that as how life is; but knowing what I know now, I know the kids are missing out on so much. I use
d to climb trees and read. If I dropped my book, I just jumped down and grabbed it and climbed right back up. If a kid dropped their device from a tree, the parents would have to spend at least sixty dollars to get a new one or replace the screen. I know that all these devices connect us around the world but what about the libraries are they going to disappear? Kids should feel the excitement of borrowing a book for the first time with their own library card and they should feel the responsibility of making sure it is back on time in one piece. Kids should be able to hold a book in their hands see the smudged ink the dog-eared pages held together by a bent withering spine and say “Wow someone really loved this book maybe I will too!” Take your kids to the library. Let them love real books on National Book Lover’s day… Even if it’s just for today put down the devices and hold a real book in your hands.
This is a guest post written by my daughter, known as GlitterAttitude. She also picked out all the pictures that are featured in the post. Like all four of my children, she grew up in a home full of books with frequent trips to the library and bookstores.
I love reading real books also. There’s nothing like holding those gorgeous paper pages in your hands and turning them to see what the next page holds. I don’t like tablets, etc.
I love real books too. People keep suggesting that I get a kindle, but I borrowed a friends and tried it and I hated it. I love going to bookstores to buy books and going to the library and I love rearranging my bookshelves.
The way you articulated how this effects children was spot on! It is so very sad.
My husband and I love to go to museums where you can see old books on display. I’m not sure there will even be a need for museums one day since everything will be viewed on a device.
Great post! I agree, put your device down and pick up a book! 🙂
My husband has told me he would love for me to be reading books on an e-reader to save space in our house, but I just can’t. There is just something about having a book in my hands that I love so much, so I am completely with you.
I love love real books, I do use my tablet a lot but have all my favorites in real book form. I love to read and never seem to get enough time. My Son and one DAughter also love to read but my youngest doesn’t like to read which really makes me sad, she has no idea of what she is missing out on. Oh well, maybe someday she will decide to pick up a book. Thanks for sharing at the “Bloggers Pit Stop”
I love reading real books also. There’s nothing like holding those gorgeous paper pages in your hands and turning them to see what the next page holds. I don’t like tablets, etc.
My mother was a librarian and she passed her love of books and reading to me. I visit the library about once a week to check out books (real ones).
This is really true.I like it read real books
I’d prefer to read real books than ebooks. I like to feel the pages and I like how they have a smell to them
I love real books too. People keep suggesting that I get a kindle, but I borrowed a friends and tried it and I hated it. I love going to bookstores to buy books and going to the library and I love rearranging my bookshelves.
Well said, Evelyn. I have a tablet I use for certain things. But there’s nothing like a real book. #SYC
I wholeheartedly agree!!!
The way you articulated how this effects children was spot on! It is so very sad.
My husband and I love to go to museums where you can see old books on display. I’m not sure there will even be a need for museums one day since everything will be viewed on a device.
Great post! I agree, put your device down and pick up a book! 🙂
My husband has told me he would love for me to be reading books on an e-reader to save space in our house, but I just can’t. There is just something about having a book in my hands that I love so much, so I am completely with you.
Just something about holding that real book in your hands!! Thanks for sharing with SYC.
I am with you! E-readers may be nice for traveling, but I prefer to read a real book over one on an e-reader any day!
A Kindle just doesn’t smell the same 🙂
Hi Evelyn,
Congratulations! You won the Inspire Me Monday Linky Party with this post. You’ll be featured on my blog tomorrow.
Thanks so much for featuring this post
I love love real books, I do use my tablet a lot but have all my favorites in real book form. I love to read and never seem to get enough time. My Son and one DAughter also love to read but my youngest doesn’t like to read which really makes me sad, she has no idea of what she is missing out on. Oh well, maybe someday she will decide to pick up a book. Thanks for sharing at the “Bloggers Pit Stop”