
Incredibly Easy Things You Can do to Give Your Home a New Look This Winter

Winter will have you in the house because of the cold outside. Even with air conditioning, you will still want to make your house feel like home. Once the holidays are over, winter is the most depressing time of the year. You don’t have to put up with holiday décor and kitschy wreaths until March; incorporate rich décor with seasonal colors and textural layers to give your home a new look. Whether you want to shop for art and buy some rugs, the following ideas will help you prepare in style.


Brighten the House

During winter, the daylight comes for a short period. It is necessary to brighten up your house and make it look more inviting. Illuminate dark corners by bringing in floor lamps; this will make your home look more spacious as well. Add a few small fixtures on the mantel or the top side of your tables. You can also consider adding a pendant light to hang from your ceiling or installing wall scones as a permanent solution.

Center your Fireplace

Give your home a new look for winter by rearranging your furniture to face the fireplace. Pulling your furniture pieces to centralize your hearth will create the perfect gathering spot to entertain your family and guests. You can also add some décor to your fireplace to give it some extra attention. Add a mirror, candlesticks, and a fern to bring life to it. Place an antique stool near the fireplace to sit on as you tend to it; it also provides a perch. You can invest a bit more money and change the entire look of your room with an update from Stone Tech granite fireplaces.  

Get Cozy Covers and Pillows

With the cold winter weather, layering comfortable fabrics on your seats will make your house look more fashionable and warm. You can also put sleep covers on your dining room chairs to give it a neutral winter style. One of the advantages is that you can take them off after a gathering with family and friends to clean them.

 A few well-patterned throw pillows will make them stand out against velvet lush and dark floors in your living room. Ensure you match the accent pillows with your current house décor by choosing playful patterns and colors; this way, you won’t have to make adjustments to your interior décor. 

Add Comforting Winter Accents

Wooden floors will give your room a sophisticated look throughout the year. However, during the winter, you’ll need to make them cozy. You can buy rugs online to add texture and warmth under your feet and set off your living area. You can also add one layer on top of the other to make it more visual.

Decorate your Reading Nook and Windows

What better way is there to enjoy winter than by reading a book by the window or taking an afternoon nap? Place a seat by the window and make it bulky by using pillows, fluffy cushions, and a colorful blanket. Window treatments will block the chilly winter breezes, while thick curtains will add color and volume.

Bottom Line

During winter, you will want to spend most of the time indoors. The best way to make it feel more inviting and homey is by giving it a new look to suit the season. Brighten up your house, make the fireplace the focal point, get new flooring, throw in some pillows on your seats, and get some warm covers and rugs.


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