
This is category is Life and Life is messy. Here you will find words, pictures, thoughts, and observations on life. Anything that doesn’t neatly fit under my other categories ends up here. Sometimes it might be a piece of sage advice, some crazy rant or even a hormone surge. Take it for what it is.  It might be a random thought I have in the night. It could be something just freely pouring out of my head that might not make sense.  It could be a very well researched essay with foot notes and everything. Who knows? Life is unpredictable.  All you can do is hold on and enjoy the ride.  Maybe you will learn something interesting along the way.

writing NaNoWriMo challenge

NaNoWriMo Challenge Accepted

I just found out National Novel Writing Month exists and I have accepted the challenge.  This month will be a practice in self-discipline and writing.  I have to write over 1,600 words per day to reach the goal of 50,000 in a month.  Not sure if I will even get a novel out of this

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