What Does Wellness Look Like To You?


Wellness is something that isn’t always on your radar. It’s relatively new, and something that we all haven’t quite made a priority in our lives. In fact, it can often be seen as a luxury. When it comes to health, we all know that we have to take the right steps and measures to feel good and stay healthy. We listen to our doctor’s orders and we do what we can to be in good health. However, this doesn’t automatically mean that you feel good. Sometimes, you may be ‘following the rules’ but still be tired. Or stressed. Or overwhelmed. Or feel sluggish. Yet, you’re doing everything that you think you need to be doing to be fit at fifty – or any other age. And it’s hard. Because you don’t always look or feel how you think you will when you’re ‘healthy’. So, what does this mean?


Well, for starters, it’s a huge indication that you’re perhaps not making the right changes for you. Because we’re all individuals, and our bodies and minds require different things. What’s healthy to you may not be healthy for another. And so, you need to come up with a healthy lifestyle approach that does work for you. And this is where wellness comes in.


Instead of focusing on classic ‘health’ tactics, you’ll want to work on how you feel in yourself. Because the better you feel, the healthier you are. Yet until you reach that, you may not know what the right combination of choices and actions are. So, let’s consider a few approaches that you could work with.


The Right Attitude


Before you begin on your own wellness journey, you really need to make sure that you have the right attitude. Because if you’re down on this idea, or you aren’t committed, it won’t work. So want this. Want to feel well, and then pick the right actions that are going to make the biggest impact on your life.


Getting Back On Track


From here, you then need to address anything that’s going on in your life right now. And if you’re dealing with issues or there’s something holding you back, you need to change that. So, if you need to get back on track by letting go off the past, finding a veterans lawyer, speaking to a doctor, or anything else, do it. Because if you’re going to embrace wellness, you need to get back on track first.




Now, what you really need to be doing here, is working on your mindset. Because if you’re in a negative space and you’re always feeling down and low, you’re the exact opposite of feeling good. When it comes to wellness, being more positive can make such a difference. So welcome positivity into your life, and see how it can boost your wellness.



Aiming For Energy


From here, you’re going to want to make sure that energy is your goal. When it comes to wellness, what you’re doing here is making sure that you’re focusing on how you feel at all times. And so, you’re going to want to focus on boosting your energy levels with everything that you’re doing too. When you’re more energized and you start to notice your body feeling more energized, you’re well on your way to wellness.


Sleeping Well


To help you do that, you’ll find that getting more sleep, and a better quality of sleep at that. Sleep is crucial for your health and wellbeing. It’s how you rest and recharge. It’s how you heal. If you can really work on improving your sleep, you’ll find that you start to feel so much better in your body overall. If you are having trouble falling asleep there are supplements that can help such as melatonin or water soluble CBD oil which can be taken at night to help you relax.  Unlike many sleeping pills, neither of these are habit-forming and are easily available online or at your local pharmacy. 


Waking Early


To complement that, you need to make sure that you’re getting up a little earlier. Because if you’re always laying in, you may feel lethargic. But if you can become an early riser, you’re going to benefit from more energy and more time. When you choose to wake early, you can take an hour or so to yourself, to set the right intentions for the day, and that can make all the difference to how you feel.


Drinking More Water


Next up, you’re going to want to make sure that you’re conscious of your water intake. We all know that we need to stay hydrated, but until you start to make sure that you are drinking as much water as possible, you won’t realize just how much of a difference it can make to how you feel. You’re instantly more energized and your body is able to operate better. So if you’re worried about wellness, you need to focus on hydration.


Making Time For Your Mind


From here, you’re then going to want to make sure that you’re doing things that help your mind too. Now, years ago, mental health was definitely difficult to address and frowned upon. However, when you acknowledge your mind and how you’re feeling, you can make such as deep and impressive change to your life. So make sure that making time to check in on how you’re dealing, and you give yourself a break when you need to.


Finding Exercise You Like


Now, you know that you need to exercise in life to be healthy – that much is true. However, this doesn’t mean that you have to approach exercise in a way that anyone else does. Instead, you just need to find what works for you. Whether that’s a pilates class, tennis, running, weight-training, or anything else, that’s okay. As long as you’re moving your body, you will find that it boosts your wellness.


Finding A Balance


Having a balance is so important these days. But just wishing for it isn’t enough. You have to make sure that you find it. Slow down, make sure that you prioritize and say no to more things. And finally, make sure you counterbalance any work with play so that you’re fulfilled and happy.



Prioritizing Happiness


Happiness doesn’t always seem like it should be connected to health, but it is, and it always should be. The happier you are, the healthier you can be – and vice versa. So, check in with your happiness levels, and make time for more fun. Read, go to the movies, meet friends, take vacations – do what you need to do to make your happiness a priority.


Stepping Away From Stress


Following on from that, you also need to make sure that you step away from stress as much as possible. Because when you are letting yourself be stressed, you’re welcoming the multitude of physical manifestations of stress into your life. But when you decide that you’re done with stress, and that you’re just going to let it all go, you’ll feel lighter and happier and healthier, as a result.


Nourishing Your Body


From here, you then need to make sure that you’re nourishing your body as much as you can. If you’re eating junk, you’re always going to feel sluggish – because it’s just not good for your body. But when you work to add more nutrient-rich foods to diet, you’ll start to feel a difference in your energy levels, your strengths, and your health overall.


Nourishing Your Mind


As a step on from that, you absolutely need to make sure that you’re able to nourish your mind as much as possible. Because your mental health is a huge part of wellness, and if you’re not taking care of it, you’ll never feel as good as you can. A huge part of this is choosing to slow down, to let go of pressures, and start to feed your mind with what it needs. Rest, relaxation, gratitude, pampering time, reading, yoga – whatever it is, nourishing your mind can really transform your life.


Checking In With Yourself


Finally, something that can really help you to make this all work out is for you to check in with yourself. How are you feeling? Are you energized? Do you need to slow down a little more? Do you need more sleep? To go for a run? When you listen to what your body is telling you, you can then make sure it gets it – and feel better as a result. So, make sure you work this into your daily life.

And that’s the end of the list. What a list it is! See, it’s easy to think that to be healthy you have to be on a diet or restrict yourself or make crazy commitments, but you don’t. Instead, you’ll find that when you take a few simple changes and implement them, you get some fantastic results. And when you then add one or two more, you feel even better – and this is what it’s all about. Instead of striving for healthy, you should just feel it. Being energized, feeling light and happy, being calm and positive – that is wellness. And sometimes, you have to try out of the ordinary steps in order to feel this way.


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