11 Tips to Quickly Declutter Your Home

You must take care of your home. A big part of taking care of your home is making sure that you don’t get too much clutter all around. This is why you must have a plan to remove the clutter from your home and keep it as neat as possible.


This is not always easy especially when you have a big home and young children. However, this does not mean that it is impossible. 


The key is to make sure that even if you are decluttering, things stay as organized as possible. Here’s a look at everything you need to know to start the decluttering and organization process.

A sign on an easel the says declutter your life

Remove All the Trash


Removing all the trash is the first step in making sure that your home is cleared of waste There’s no sense in trying to organize around all the things that you don’t want. 


You must remove anything that is not wanted or needed in your home. Get trash bags and place everything in them and then throw them out. 


Once you remove all the trash you begin to see exactly which direction you need to go with your cleaning. At the very least it will remove a lot of the things you don’t need.


Start Small


The important thing to remember is that you cannot do everything all at once. It is important that you choose small areas to organize and as you proceed things will start falling into place. For example, you can start with a bedroom and organize your closet or the drawers of your dresser. 


By doing all these small projects to start putting things in order, you will start setting the pace for your decluttering project. It is very satisfying when you are finally able to get an area looking spic and span.


Separate Your Piles


Separating things into piles is one of the most effective ways of making sure that everything gets properly sorted out. You should create three piles in any room you enter. 


Create a pile for things you will keep, create another for things you will donate, and then create another pile for things you wish to throw out. By creating these three piles you will mentally be able to clear the clutter a lot easier.


You must try to be as objective as possible when sorting through your three piles. Sometimes it can be difficult to objectively sort through what you need to because things may have sentimental value to you. 


However, as much as possible you have to try to be as objective as possible. If you find that you are having difficulty doing this it may be a good idea to get a friend to help you. This way you won’t be tempted to hold on to items that you don’t need.


Give Everything a Home


When it comes to keeping your home organized there must be a mini home for everything within your house. Everything must have a place. 


If everything does not have its place it’s easy for it to be put just about anywhere. There should be a place for shoes, keys, and toys just to name a few. 


Consider putting items that are similar in the same place. This will prevent you from storing them all over the place and having difficulty finding them. Having an extremely organized system is critical if you want to keep your house tidy.


A good rule of thumb is to make sure that everyone in your home learns how to pick up after themselves. They should be putting things back where they belong as soon as they are used. Failure to do this is what makes a house become untidy and decluttered fast.


Have sprint cleaning sessions with your family every afternoon. In these sessions, they will put everything in its place within a specific amount of time. For example, you could set a timer for 15 minutes and use it as clean-up time. 


During that time everybody should take up things that are not in their correct place and put them back as quickly as possible. Doing this consistently will help to keep your home clean and decluttered.


In With the New Out With the Old


There are times when you will need to buy new items for your home. During these times, you mustn’t simply pile up new items and leave the old ones that you don’t need in the home. 


A good rule of thumb is that every time you buy something new you should throw away something old that you don’t need. This is a way to consciously clear your house at all times.


Have Specific Cleaning Days


A good idea to declutter your home fast is to have different cleaning days for various rooms in your home. This is one of the simplest solutions you will find to keep as organized as possible with your cleaning habits. 


You can assign different family members to different rooms to make things easier.


Another idea you could use is to rotate your cleaning schedule every week. This way no one will be responsible for a particular room for too long of a period.

a pile of pink laundry with a person's arm sticking out of it. buried in laundry

Put Things In Storage


A major way to declutter your home that you should consider is putting things away in storage. If you do not have enough space in your home, storage units can be a game changer for you. 


It is a perfect way to make sure that your items are properly stored without having to worry about them. 


There are many different types of storage units available. It’s up to you to decide which one is right for your needs. You should consider getting a climate control controlled storage unit as this will preserve your more sensitive items.


Create Checklists


Creating checklists is a great way to keep track of everything that you need to do to finish the decluttering process. Your checklist can be a daily one or it can be a weekly one. 


It’s up to you to select which frequency will be right for you. On your checklist, you should list step by step the details of how the process of decluttering will go. 


By creating a checklist like this it gives you a chance to not only stay organized but it will develop your confidence and push you forward.


Hire Declutter Help


Decluttering a home can be a huge undertaking and it is a good idea to get help with doing so when you can. There are a lot of professional cleaning services around and many of them will be more than willing to take you on as a client. 


However, before you choose a cleaning service make sure that you do due diligence. You want to make sure that whoever you choose has a good reputation


You will be opening your home to them and you want to make sure that they have a high level of integrity. Another thing you should ensure is that any cleaning company you hire is covered by insurance. 


When people are cleaning your home accidents can happen. Accidents can happen to them or it can happen to your belongings. 


Make sure that the company is covered by insurance before you hire them in your home.


Get a Smaller Home


If you are looking to reduce clutter you can get out of the home you are in altogether.  Consider downsizing your home. If you live in a big house and you’re finding it difficult to maneuver your way around it and keep it clean, it may be time for a change. 


This is especially true for people who have grown children who have left their homes and are now on their own. You might find yourself with extra space that you have to take care of. 


When you live in a smaller space, it’s easier to keep things organized.


Keep It Neat


Keeping your home as neat as possible begins with removing everything you don’t want or need from inside of it. After that, you need to work to maintain what you have done.


Remember to always make sure that everything in your home has a home of its own.


This will make it easier for everyone to put things back where they belong. Also, once you buy something new it is a good rule of thumb to remove something old from your home. This will effectively balance things out.

A picture of a cluttered closet with the words 11 Tips to Quickly Declutter Your Home

Always be thinking about removing items you don’t want and cleaning up after yourself. This is the only way to effectively remove and prevent clutter in the first place.

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