Writers Talking with Rosey Lee @RoseyLeeBooks

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Rosey Lee writes uplifting fiction stories about family and friendship. A native of the Westbank of New Orleans, Louisiana, Rosey is a fan of good food and a good time. As a child, she dreamed of a career in writing, fashion design, and acting. She uses the pen name Rosey Lee as she pursues her passion for writing. Her alter ego is a physician who has dedicated her career to individual and community-based approaches to health equity. She enjoys cooking, flower arranging, listening to live music, and occasional bursts of fanatical bargain shopping.

Rosey’sflash fiction has appeared in Necessary Fiction , Bending Genres,  Barren Magazine,  Turnpike Magazine , The Wellington Street Review, and elsewhere. Her work has also been nominated for the 2019 Best of the Net anthology.


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What do you think is the biggest misconception people have about flash fiction?

The biggest misconception I’ve personally experienced has been from avid readers who are new to reading flash fiction, and they think of flash fiction as an excerpt or overview of a longer story. But I think this misconception has everything to do with expectations. If someone has never read flash fiction before, I try to help them understand that flash fiction stories are complete stories with a beginning, a middle and an end, and some flash fiction stories also have a twist or surprise at the end.


[click_to_tweet tweet=”understand that flash fiction stories are complete stories with a beginning, a middle and an end, and some flash fiction stories also have a twist or surprise at the end @RoseyLeeBooks ” quote=”understand that flash fiction stories are complete stories with a beginning, a middle and an end, and some flash fiction stories also have a twist or surprise at the end” theme=”style3″].


What was an early experience where you learned that language had power?

I was probably about 8 or 9 the first time I remember my mother telling me that you can say almost anything, but you have to say it the right way to increase the likelihood that it will be received well. Now, that never seemed to help me when I tried to explain my way out of punishments, but it stuck with me nonetheless. I think it’s helped me to be a better communicator, and it also helps me convey important themes in my writing.


If you could have a dinner party and invite any writers living or dead, who would you invite and what food would you serve?

Oh, this would be a dream come true! I would make it a small, intimate gathering with Maya Angelou, Nikki Giovanni, and Toni Morrison. I’m from New Orleans, so the menu would reflect that. But I probably wouldn’t do anything formal. I’d want it to be like some old friends were just stopping by on a whim. Maybe I’d make red beans and rice, and we’d just sit around and eat and talk.


Do you concentrate on writing one thing at a time or do you switch between multiple projects?

I usually concentrate on one thing at a time. I was working on a novel, but I put it aside when I decided to start Beautiful, Complicated Family. I still sometimes got ideas for the novel, but I just jotted them down and tucked them away. I hope to one day be able to juggle multiple writing projects, but I’m not there yet.


How does being a physician influence your writing?

I usually say that my alter ego is a physician, but I’m a health advocate. I tend to think of us as separate people. Health is important to both of us, but we’re connected to it in different ways. Health is central to her work, and sometimes it seems she talks about it nonstop. Unlike her, I’m laidback. I get to have fun writing characters who have full, entertaining lives. They encounter health issues just like everyone does in real life, so I have to write about health in my stories.


Any advice you would like to give to aspiring writers?

So often we beat ourselves up because we didn’t start writing years ago like we planned. Then we feel so badly that it delays us even more or we give up, thinking it’s too late. It’s never too late, and there will probably never be a perfect time. Just start where you are.


[click_to_tweet tweet=”It’s never too late, and there will probably never be a perfect time. Just start where you are. #WritersTalking with @RoseyLeeBooks” quote=”Share Rosey Lee’s writing advice on Twitter” theme=”style3″]


The Books

Beautiful, Complicated Family: Volume 1


Beautiful, Complicated Family: Volume 1 is a collection of five flash fiction stories exploring the connections that can hold people together or tear them apart. Like most families, the relationships in this uplifting collection consist of intricate elements. Sometimes things get messy, but it’s always beautiful. Each story is 1000 words or less each. Read each story in about 5 minutes and get Volume 2 of the collection for free using a link within Volume 1. The stories are perfect for readers who enjoy contemporary fiction novels as well as those who only have time for a quick read. This collection is filled with relatable characters and endings that pull at your heartstrings, so don’t be surprised if you laugh or cry along the way. The stories in this book include “The Reverse Escape”, “Gran’s Return”, “Wind Chill” (2019 Best of the Net anthology nominee), “To Establish Care”, and “Vocal Rest”.


Beautiful, Complicated Family: Volume 2

This is the second book in the Beautiful, Complicated Family series. This collection contains five additional flash fiction stories exploring the connections that can hold people together or tear them apart. Like most families, the relationships in this uplifting collection consist of intricate elements. Sometimes things get messy, but it’s always beautiful. Each story is 1000 words or less each. Read each story in about 5 minutes. The stories are perfect for readers who enjoy contemporary fiction novels as well as those who only have time for a quick read. This collection is filled with relatable characters and endings that pull at your heartstrings, so don’t be surprised if you laugh or cry along the way. The stories in this book include “Hiding Spots”, “Blossom in the Snow”, “The Friendship PIP”, “Christmas Eve Dinner”, and “A Dress Rehearsal”.


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Beautiful, Complicated Family Blog Tour – Reader Giveaway
November 5 (midnight ET) to November 26 (11:59 pm ET)

The tour reader giveaway away prize is an Amazon Fire HD 8 Tablet (if outside the US and
anywhere Book Depository ships: $50 in books chosen by the winner:). There will be one
winner (randomly selected on the last day of the tour via Rafflecopter).

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a Rafflecopter giveaway

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