library books

What Books Appeal Most To You?

Books have always had an appeal to them. Back in the ancient era, they were the best way to get your speeches and diction out to the masses, a new invention that becomes extremely useful as time went on. And then in the Middle Ages, only a select few people were able to read, and many people who couldn’t have the desire to learn too. And then in the modern day and age, reading is the first thing we learn in schools – all in all, we’ve always loved the sight of a good book and the ability to lose ourselves in it.


We all know we shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, even though the artwork on display is meant to draw us in, but there’s always going to be a certain type of book that you’re drawn to most of all. Maybe it’s the genre, maybe it’s the author, maybe it’s just the blurb on the back – what kinds of books have the most appeal to you, and why might that be.

What does your library book borrowing history look like? 


Ones with a Sense of Mystery?


A mystery is something books can give us in spades, seeing as all kinds of new worlds and new people can be created with a few simple sentences that all tie together neatly on the page. After all, there’s a lot you can do with just the power of words, and when you’ve got a good author relaying some to you, the mystery is just going to keep on coming! Mystery as a genre can compromise all kinds of different settings and timeframes, so you’ve got a real mixed bag of opportunity for content here.

Ones with a Sense of Nostalgia?

Nostalgia is something that’ll always keep us coming back for more. If there’s a book we read a few years ago, and we absolutely loved it at the time, just coming back to see how our perception of it has changed is interesting enough. You’re older and wiser now, hopefully, and the way you view the world has evolved with you.


Maybe you like to come back to something by Daniel Handler from time to time, seeing as you always loved the way he wrote? Maybe it’s classics like Jane Austen or Charlotte Bronte, simply because they’re books of a different era, with a sense of a time gone by that you’d love to lose yourself in?

Maybe it is Just the Cover!


The cover of the book you’re reading can do wonders for your perception of how good a book is going to be, as the artist always intended. And sometimes, all we really have to do is look at the front and back covers to make sure the book we’re thinking about buying is one we’d like to get stuck into. How would you find anything new to read otherwise?


So, what kind of books appeal the most to you?

There’s a text out there for everyone to love!



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