woman with a dog

Tips To Improve the Safety of Your Pets in Your Retirement Home

Even in your retirement, your pets will form an essential part of your family, meaning their safety is your number one priority. You will also have to ensure their other basic needs are adequately met, and they are healthy living with you.

Losing your pet’s life to simple safety mistakes that you could have avoided is painful. So, to keep you and your pets safe, here are a few things you can do.

Make Technology Your Best Friend

Your pets are curious and can get extremely playful, and they will enjoy wriggling and running around your retirement home back yard or front yard. This means you will have to get a home that allows them adequate space to be happy and playful.

If you check most real estate websites, some pictures are provided to give you a glimpse of the home options available. If you have already bought or built your retirement home, you will need to search online for tips to remodel your home and make it more accommodating for your pets. 

Technology will help you keep tabs on your pets whether you are at home or not. For example, you can give your pet sitters the codes to unlock your house and walk your pets. After they leave, these codes can be changed to ensure they do not come back without your knowledge.

Keep Away Chemicals

Your pets are a lot like kids, which means they will need constant monitoring to make sure they are not getting in any trouble. Detergents, disinfectants, and other chemicals that you frequently use at home are harmful to the well-being of your pets.

So, avoid leaving them carelessly on the ground after cleaning your retirement home or using some of these chemicals that may have some sweet taste. Instead, keep them away in places that are out of reach.

If your pets get in contact with any of the home chemicals that you believe are hazardous, call your vet immediately to intervene.

Fire Safety

Like all homes, your retirement home will be vulnerable to fire accidents if the necessary safety precautions are not taken. Besides, ignoring these safety precautions will expose your pets to potential fire threats.

To minimize risks of fire in your retirement home, you can do the following:

  •   Adopt the usage of flameless candles
  •  Get rid of naked and loose wires around
  •  Ensure your pets are wearing their collars all the time for easy identification
  •  You can install monitoring gadgets such as CCTV cameras in the blind spot areas
  • Avoid leaving any holiday lights when you are away, and there’s no one to look after your pets
  •  Install smoke carbon monoxide and smoke detectors to alarm you of any dangers soon enough 


When your children become independent adults and eventually leave home, there will be a significant change in your priorities and general lifestyle. You will have to tailor another lifestyle that suits you best with your pets.

Apply the tips on this list to enjoy a peaceful and safe life with your pets in your retirement home. 

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