collage created by evelyn dortch

The Freedom of Brain Dumping

Brain dumping


Brain dumping has freed me up from the confines I had placed on myself about what is a journal and what is a list.  It allows me to just get it all out and down on paper. It gives me power over my own thoughts and helps to curb my anxiety. By spending a few minutes each morning and/or evening writing down everything that is on my mind, I can free up my thoughts to concentrate and focus on the activities of the day.

[clickToTweet tweet=”Brain dumping freed me from the confines I placed on myself about what is a journal and what is a list” quote=”Brain dumping freed me from the confines I placed on myself about what is a journal and what is a list” theme=”style3″]

According to Wikipedia

The phrase brain dump refers to these things:

  1. Generally, the transfer of a large quantity of information from one person to another or to a storage and retrieval medium is referred to as a ‘brain dump’.
  2. In slang, it can describe a hurried explanation of a system, job, skillset, or other engineering subject.
  3. In computing, the phrase describes the taking of a snapshot of the internal state of a knowledge database for transfer or archiving purposes. Thus, the copying of any dataset might be called a ‘brain dump’ if its contents could be colloquially referred to as a ‘brain’.


Brain dump Journal


Brain dumping can be a list, a paragraph, sketches, or even poetry.  There is no wrong or right way to brain dump.  Whatever you need to do to get your thoughts down on paper is fine. When I feel my mind racing or when I start overthinking I just put it down on paper. Getting it on paper provides that release valve that I need for my anxiety.  Brain dumping gives me the space to breathe and really look at what is controlling my thoughts.

About once a week, I go through my brain dump and move anything necessary over to my task list and my planner. I also look over my Brain dump journal when I’m stuck for writing ideas.  I often find ideas for blog posts and short stories in my ramblings from weeks before.

[bctt tweet=”Brain dumping gives me space to breathe and look at what is controlling my thoughts. #anxiety” username=”EclecticEvelyn”]


Here’s a great video on the benefits of brain dumping.




The Just Jot It January 9th prompt is “Power.”. Brought to you by Erica over at    Use it any way you like. Make sure you stop by Erica’s website and say hello to her! 

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