
Ready for Retirement?

Are you Ready for Retirement?

As a woman of a certain age, in my fabulous 50’s, I am concerned about retirement. I have worked and raised four children living mostly paycheck to paycheck and have nothing saved. Taking steps to take control of your retirement planning could have a positive impact in many areas of your life. Start today with this…

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10 Tips for an Enjoyable Retirement

One’s retirement is something that many people look forward to. No more commute, no more putting in long hours, no more wondering whether you’ll get the promotion that’s available…there are a lot of upsides to leaving the workforce for good! However, the good times won’t naturally arrive. You need to think about many different aspects

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Life Planning Advice For Worriers

  There are two types of people in this world: worriers and non-worriers. While non-worriers will often have concerns about certain circumstances or events in their life, these thoughts are rarely consuming; problems to be solved rather than a constant preoccupation. In contrast, worriers tend to have “worry” as their default setting; even without an

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