family nurse practitioner with a patient

Registered Nurses Take the Next Step Become a Family Nurse Practitioner

It can often be quite intimidating to make any sort of changes in your career path. Now more than ever, people are concerned about maintaining their income and keeping their jobs. However, there is currently a huge demand for Family Nurse Practitioners; making it an excellent option for those worried about finding a job in the field. Becoming an FNP has an array of appealing attributes for registered nurses (RNs) looking to take their career in care further, or in a new direction.

Bonuses like a better work/life balance due to more sociable hours, along with the likelihood of an increased income, are some of the main reasons that registered nurses are looking to become FNPs. There’s also a patient-centered approach to the care given, which can sometimes be lost in a busy hospital ward. Nurses who are looking to build relationships with those they care for regularly may see this as the main reason to take those next steps.

Learning about the appealing reasons for becoming an FNP, and how to go about it, may just be the nudge an individual is looking for. Or, perhaps it’s something completely new that a nurse has not previously considered, but will give them a fresh perspective with a new option to choose from.

U.S News & World Report ranked the nurse practitioner (NP) role first on its 2022 Best Health Care Jobs list and second on its 2022 100 Best Jobs list. April N. Kapu, the president of The American Association of Nurse Practitioners had this to say about it.

“U.S. News & World Report ranking of NPs as the nation’s top health care job demonstrates the strength of the profession in serving patients and communities and meeting the skyrocketing demand for high-quality health care across the country.”

The following infographic gives clarity on the benefits of becoming an FNP and provides the information clearly. It summarizes how a nurse can take their next steps through Marymount University, and provides straightforward instruction on what to do in order to access the various pathways. Take a look and see what you think!

Infographic designed by: Marymount University Online

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