Managing Mental Health In Your 50s

Mental health is a subject of great interest today, but this hasn’t always been the case. Although there is a way to go, we are more open to talking about mental health than in years gone by. Taking good care of your mind is as important as looking after your body. In this article, we’ll discuss simple, effective ways to manage mental health and boost well-being in your 50s. 


Get active

Being active has a host of benefits for all ages. Experts recommend 150 minutes of moderate activity per week. This may sound like a lot, but it can be broken down into half-hour sessions, bike rides or hikes with friends, or daily walks with a canine companion. Leading an active lifestyle is proven to reduce the risk of physical health problems, including heart disease and type 2 diabetes, but it’s also an incredible natural remedy for mental well-being. Regular exercise reduces stress, lifts your mood, and lowers the risk of depression and anxiety. Tailor your exercise regime to suit your health status and try to have fun. You don’t have to run for miles to get fit and nourish your body and mind. You can swim, play golf, go to exercise classes like dance or yoga, walk, cycle, play team sports or do virtual training sessions at home. 


Consider therapies and treatments

We tend to think about therapies and treatments for mental health as solutions for people who have symptoms of mental illness. Often, traditional forms of therapy, including talking to a therapist, can be beneficial for everyone. There are also treatments to help people who may be struggling with trauma or events that happened in the past, bereavement, and periods of intense stress. One example is EMDR or Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing. This is a therapy, which can help with anxiety and PTSD. You can see a therapist or get a recommendation for EMDR equipment to use at home once you have completed several sessions. It can be difficult to accept that you need help or advice, but it’s so important to understand that there’s no shame in reaching out. Around 20% of US adults have a mental illness. 


Devote time to achieving happiness

Most of us strive to be happy, but there’s no instruction manual to follow. We may have an idea of what makes people happy, but this doesn’t always translate to contentment and joy. What makes other people happy might not have the same effect on you. Devote time to what makes you happy, rather than what you think will make you happy. You don’t have to spend all your time socializing at parties or galas if you feel more comfortable spending time with your partner or you want to retreat to the garden with a good book and a glass of wine on a Saturday night. Establish what contributes to core happiness for you. It could be hiking in the wilds, being around animals or nature, cooking, traveling, being creative, or spending time with your children, grandchildren, or friends. 


Most of us automatically think about our bodies when the subject of health crops up in conversation. Mental well-being is equally important. Take these steps to boost your mental health in your 50s. 


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