For the Love of God and a Good Woman

For the Love of God and a Good Woman: Margaret’s Grocery

The Reverend H. D. Dennis who was featured in the documentary God’s Architects died in September of 2012. He spent the last 23 years of his life building a castle to God and his wife Margaret Rogers Dennis who died in 2010.  When he first met Margaret back in the 1980’s, she was running a little grocery store outside of Vicksburg.

Margaret's Grocery near Vicksburg Mississippi
To see the evolution of the store from the 1980’s to 2002 Click the picture to visit Andrew Morang’s article



He promised her that if she would marry him he would make her store something the world would come and see.  He said he would build her a castle and that is exactly what he did.


This photo is from the Mississippi Folklife and Folk Artisit Directory. Click on the photo to see more about Rev. Dennis


I had the pleasure of visiting what remains of this amazing legacy to love in 2014.  These pictures are from my visit.



As you can see Margaret’s grocery is being taken back by nature and time. I hope this piece of wonderful amazing folk architecture can be saved. I am so glad I happened upon this during my time in Mississippi and was able to learn this amazing love story. You never know what you might learn by taking the backroads.



You can hear the story of Rev. Dennis and Margaret

in their own words in this trailer from God’s Architects.



See It Here!


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9 thoughts on “For the Love of God and a Good Woman: Margaret’s Grocery”

  1. Wow, where did you find this story? That’s amazing and I’m sure the reverend was right too! I bet people did stop by because of the way he built his church. Great job Rev. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks for visiting. Yes, the Reverend was right and people from all over stopped at the store and listened to his message. I just wish I could have discovered it while they were still alive. It would have been very interesting to talk with them.

  2. That is awesome! I wish I could’ve visited that place.What I like about this church is the way it was built,nothing fancy or anything like that. This is an amazing story

    1. I love to see the places most people pass by on the back roads. I rarely take the interstate when I travel and I always build in an extra day or two just for exploring interesting spots.

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