c is for cinco de mayo

C is for Cinco de Mayo


Cinco de Mayo is celebrated on May the 5th mainly in the United States.

What is Cinco de Mayo?

One thing Cinco de Mayo is NOT is Mexico’s Independence Day. It is also NOT a national Mexican holiday. Cinco de Mayo is pretty much a United States phenomenon. Want to know the real history?  Listen to this from NPR’s Lulu Garcia-Navarro


Facts about Cinco de Mayo

Cinco de Mayo celebrates the Mexican army’s victory over France at the Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862.

Napoleon III wanted to turn the Puebla area into a base that would help the Confederate Army during the American Civil War.

Approximately one year after the Battle of Puebla, the French regained control of Puebla.

Mole poblano is considered to be the official dish of the holiday because it is traditionally eaten in the town of Puebla.

The holiday is primarily celebrated in Puebla, where the 1862 battle took place but for many Mexicans, it’s just another day.

The party-filled Cinco de Mayo Americans celebrate today didn’t become really popular until alcohol and beer companies got involved in the promotion of the holiday.


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