Birthday Card

Birthday Card

Birthday Card

It’s official, I have crested the hill.  Yesterday, I received my welcome to AARP mailing a few days early. I don’t turn 50 until next week.  Yes, I am holding on to these few remaining days on this side of the hill.  I’m not sure how turning 50 is going to hit me.  I have not had a traumatic birthday since turning 20.  For some reason, 20 hit me like a ton of bricks.  Turning 30 not so much. I was more concerned with passing my college finals to worry. Yes, I went to college at the age of 28 with 4 little children in tow but that is a different story to tell.  Back to turning 50, some days I see it as a wonderful milestone as so many of my friends did not make it to see 50. Other days I see it as the first step toward the end, as many of the women in my family die in their early 70’s. This first 50 has flown by in a blink hoping the next years go a little slower.

On another note, I heard that Janet Jackson is pregnant for the first time.  She turns 50 a week after me.  Congratulations to her but girl, this could not be me. I can not even imagine starting a family now.  I am so glad I did that in my 20’s when I had way more energy. I am looking forward to having some grandchildren one day. *hint to my kids*

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9 thoughts on “Birthday Card”

  1. Congratulations on turning 50 years young! My mother is turning 65 later this year and she looks at least 15 years younger. She always tells me that she doesn’t feel “old” and that in many ways her life has gotten better because of her years of experience. I hope that I will have that attitude when I reach there! I hope you enjoy 50 and many many more years of life with your friends and family! 🙂

  2. What a interesing read, lol. 50 didn’t faze us. It’s only a number and we put much emphasis on our age….don’t sweat it! You enjoy your birthday and I wish you many many more.

  3. Hope 50 has been treating you well, and that you now find it no different than any other day. Blessings and well wishes to you.

  4. Belated Happy Birthday wishes! I turned 50 back in January. Hard to believe time went so fast! I am a single mom with a girl going to middle school next year , so my 50’s are going to be busy!!

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