9 Ideas to Maintain a Summer Garden

Gardening is a hobby for many homeowners, but many people maintain a garden to improve the aesthetic appeal of their house. However, it is not easy to maintain a summer garden as it involves plenty of tasks; you need to perform daily.

The summer plants and shrubs grow faster than other season plants, thereby requiring frequent maintenance. Moreover, plants need more frequent watering in summer than in any other season. The grasses also grow faster in summer and require more trimming. All these tasks make it difficult to maintain a summer garden. Let us explore some ideas to maintain a summer garden easily.

Enhance the soil quality

Summer heat will take a toll on the consistency of your garden’s soil. A smart way to enrich the soil is by adding organic compost or fertilizer into it. When planting, apply compost or soil enhancer to increase soil moisture and water retention. This will also help to transfer nutrients to your plants. Compost also creates a safe environment for bacteria and other beneficial species such as worms. Soil quality remains safe and protects root systems against pests and diseases.

Buy a shade to protect your plants.

Installing shade in your garden is a perfect way to help your plants get through the summer heat. While vegetable growth is pleasant and sensitive to sun exposure, too much of it can be harmful.

Shade makes them wither from the heat and adverse exposure of the sun. You can buy a shade cloth, a tarpaulin or a shade sail to offer protection from direct sun to your plants and shrubs.

Don’t forget the compost.

Composting helps keep plants hydrated and stable. This is particularly important for fruit-bearing and flowering plants. Organic content, such as plant compost or coconut coir, the peat moss absorbs water, which, in effect, retains moisture. This can be used by your plants during extremely hot or dry days. You can easily make compost at home or buy organic compost from a store.

To make the compost at home, you can use dry leaves. Collect the dry leaves of shrubs and trees in your garden and dig a large hole in a corner. Then put these leaves in the hole and leave it for three months. After the completion of three months, you can open the hole and use the compost to mix it in your soil.

Plan your plants for summer

The best designs start with structural plants filled with beautiful, flowering plants. And use evergreen shrubs at the end of each border. Include tiny shrubs, like box balls, or large evergreen plants, such as mahonia, for larger areas. You should keep the plants to just five or six different forms and arrange them in repetitive patterns for a coordinated and harmonious effect.

Insect and pest control

Insects can damage your plants more than any other thing. Virus and bacteria can only penetrate a plant through some openings, and bug damage creates such openings. In fact, some insects function as transport of viruses, spreading them from one plant to another. If you already have pests or insects in your garden, you need to call a professional to handle the situation such as https://www.pestcontrolexperts.com/exterminator/ohio/. You should not plant any new plants without addressing the pest issues. Even if you don’t have pests or insects in your garden, you can use a pesticide spray once every six months.

Clean your garden in the fall

It’s also best to clean the garden in the fall, even if you live in a mild environment. It is a good deterrent to disease and also a safe way to combat diseases that are already in your garden. Diseases will overwinter dead leaves and debris and invade new leaves when they grow in the spring. Make sure to get the proper tools for cleaning up in the fall including finding the best leaf blowers and a good mulching lawn mower to dispose of dead leaves.

Iris leaf spot, frequent leaf line, and black spot on roses are examples of diseases that can be drastically decreased if dead leaves are removed every fall. If you leave the stems and the leaves to generate winter value, be sure to eliminate them before new growth starts in the spring.

Adequate watering

Plants need more water in summer than any other season of the year. You can invest in an efficient irrigation system or use your existing watering system to water the plants. If you are using a conventional irrigation system, you should either buy an efficient one or make the present system more efficient. You can install some sprinkler heads or drips on your present irrigation system to enhance its efficiency and save water.

Water your garden at the right time

Watering plants at the right time is important for their growth and water retention. The best time for water plants is in the morning when it’s still cold. This allows the water to enter the roots of the plants as it flows down into the soil without too much water being lost to evaporation.

This, in effect, makes the water accessible to the plants during the day so that they are better suited to cope with the heat of the day.

Prune the damaged limbs

It’s easier to prune the shrubs and trees in late winter than to wait until spring. Wounded limbs may are usually infected in the winter season which allows the diseases to thrive while the plant is dormant. Pruning the shrubs and trees in late winter prevents the spread of disease to new growth. While storms in winter can damage the plants, it is still safer to trim the broken limb back than to neglect it until spring is underway.

Final Words

These are some tips to maintain a summer garden in your home. Cleaning the garden regularly, planting the right plants, and investing in efficient irrigation equipment is the key to maintain your garden. Moreover, you need to take care of the timing of every task you perform for your garden. Planting and watering at the right time are essential for a flourishing garden. Following these tips can help gardeners and homeowners to maintain their landscapes throughout the year.

Author Bio: Emily Bartels is a content writer at The Irrigation Shop. She enjoys writing on various topics mainly associated with Home Improvement, Gardening, Technology, and Gadgets. Her famous articles are on the topic of Home Improvement, Technology, and many more.

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4 thoughts on “9 Ideas to Maintain a Summer Garden”

  1. I have creating a monster of a garden over the years.Your tips are good. It does take work but I love it.

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