7 Tips for Dealing with Loss of Mobility


When we grow older our lives will change in a few different ways. First of all, we often have children and grandchildren together with the people we love, our family expands and we have more freedom as the kids leave home and allow us to settle into a different routine. But as well as all of the good stuff with getting older there will always be some parts that aren’t as fun. This can include losing mobility whether it is for a short time or for the remainder of your life, today we are going to talk about how to cope with the loss of mobility.

Ask for help


Sometimes the only thing you can do when you are struggling with things in life is ask for help. It can be difficult as a proud adult to ask for help from your partner, your kids, or your friends but that is what these people are here for and they will support you through anything in life. Your family and friends won’t judge you for needing some help and it is always better to ask than to keep things to yourself and struggle in silence.


Join a group


If you are having an issue with your mobility and you need to speak to like-minded people about it you might want to join a support group. This can be as simple as a Facebook group with other sufferers or it can be something more like a senior citizen support group that can give you the tools you need to cope with your issue and become stronger. Just do whatever feels right to you and there is never any harm in trying something even if it doesn’t work in the end for you.


See a doctor


It’s pretty simple when you are feeling under the weather or struggling with small symptoms like aches and pains to ignore them and hope they go away, but in reality, you will want to make sure that you can deal with these problems and sometimes the only way to do that is to visit the doctor. You may be dealing with symptoms that require leg lymphedema treatment or peripheral arterial disease diagnosis, your doctor will be able to give you advice and support. They may even recommend physical therapy,  such as Motus Rehabilitation, which makes all the difference in treating short-term mobility issues.


Try exercises


Exercise is always a good way to move your muscles and joints and often this can be an easy way to alleviate the pain and allow you to move more freely. If you are having issues gripping your hands, for example, you can use a resistance tool to teach your hands how to be stronger. Any small movements you can do will help to elongate the muscles and joints and allow for easier mobility overall.



Eat healthy foods


Good as we know is a huge part of being healthy and the diet we eat can make a huge impact on our lives. Make sure therefore that you are eating all of your vitamins and minerals each day and you can do this but eating a range of foods. This will ensure your body is getting enough of everything it needs and this just might improve your mobility as a result.


Stay warm


Sometimes the cold weather will be your worst enemy and it can stop you from being able to grip your hands or move around as easily as normal. If you have backaches, for example, you can place a heat pack on your back and this should allow you to move around with more ease as your muscles won’t be contracted completely to protect themselves from the cold weather. The same goes for any part of the body.


Look after your mental health


Mental health is just as important as your physical health, and if you have been having some issues with mobility it can be stressful and it can make you feel vulnerable. The idea of not being able to move around how you want to can be frustrating and it is understandable that you would feel a little mad or upset. Just remember that this is a normal part of life and you aren’t alone. Try yoga and meditation at home or try to speak to someone who can help you through. If you allow yourself the time to make a change and look after your mind it will make a massive difference and it will truly allow you to cope with your current state in a better way. You’ll be back up and moving in no time with a smile on your face. There are also behavioral health services that you can make the most of if you want to protect your mental health better as you go through something as difficult as mobility loss.

Have you experienced long-term or short-term loss of mobility?

Share your tips in the comments.


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4 thoughts on “7 Tips for Dealing with Loss of Mobility”

  1. Evelyn, this is such an important post. Too many people are giving up their mobility without a fight. But I also know older people who are fighting it tooth and nail! They don’t allow pain to stop them from doing the exercises that *must* be done to avoid, or at least delay, loss of mobility. Strengthening the muscles around the hip and knee joints is crucial.

  2. Great tips! In addition, a physical therapist can help with teaching a person how to do this. In addition to helping the older person stay active, you can help prevent falls and fractures by doing a home safety check and correcting conditions that could lead to falls.

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