man on a ladder cleaning out roof gutters

6 Home Maintenance Tasks You Should Perform Regularly

Maintaining your home requires effort and consistency to ensure your building is in good condition. However, a major challenge with home maintenance is all the regular upkeep required and the cost involved. Despite this, postponing home maintenance is not advisable, as it could lead to a cost build-up if problems worsen. Paying regular attention to these areas in your home not only saves you money in the long run, but also enhances your family’s safety, and keeps your home looking its best for years to come. If you’re wondering what tasks you should take on to keep your home in good shape without your finances taking a big hit, here are some home maintenance jobs that should be done regularly.

Keep fridge coils clean


Apart from storing food, there are other things you can do to keep your fridge running smoothly. Dust, grease, and filth can accumulate on the coils behind your refrigerator over time, which could eventually render your appliance ineffective. That is because your fridge uses the coils to cool itself, and if these coils are not in good condition, your appliance will have to work more to become cooler and prevent overheating. Therefore you should clean these coils as often as possible. Unplug the refrigerator, remove it from the wall, and look for the coils. They should be either behind a metal plate or behind the fridge, under a grill on the bottom level. Thankfully, you can keep your fridge coils clean using simple techniques such as vacuuming.

Clean your basement window wells


If you have a basement in your home with windows, then you most likely have window wells. These are excellent for allowing natural light and ventilation into your basement. They also help keep sand away from your window fittings, but if not maintained properly, your basement may eventually become stuffy and accumulate a lot of debris. Leaves and other items might jam the drainage pipe, causing severe water pressure against your basement window after a heavy storm. If you don’t clean the drainage, the water pressure might crush the glass and dump a large volume of water inside. You can use a shorthanded shovel or your hands to unclog the pipe.

Replace HVAC filters


Replacing your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) filters at least every 90 days is a great way to protect your system from needing to work harder than it should. However, if you have a cat or dog at home, you’ll need to do that more frequently, preferably every 60 days. Fortunately, replacing one of these filters is a breeze. Begin by turning off your HVAC system. Locate the filter and then remove the access panels. Afterward, remove and replace the old filter, paying special attention to any arrows to verify that the filter is installed correctly. Then, replace the access panel, and you’re ready to turn the machine back on.

Protect yourself against termites


If you have a lot of wooden components, termites represent a significant risk to your home. As such, you must take the necessary precautions to prevent areas such as your wooden patio from eventually rotting. Because termites cannot thrive in direct sunlight, you are more likely to find them in your basement. Inspect the area for possible infestation and use a spray can of foam to cover any openings where they may get in. It would help if you also checked the wood for indications of damage with a flashlight and screwdriver. If the wood is flaking or decaying, you may have an issue that requires expert treatment.

Clear out your gutters


Clogged gutters may not appear to be a big concern at first, but if left alone, debris such as leaves and twigs can cause water to pool and leak into your home. This effect can cause major water damage to your structure over time, proving costly. Although cleaning out your gutters is an intensive process, it will be worth it. Remove any visible twigs, leaves, and trash first. Then, rinse away any leftover dirt using a yard hose. If water does not drain from your downspouts, there is most likely a blockage. At that point, you’ll need to use a plumber’s snake to clear the blockage.


Check your power


If you have electric heating, the last thing you want in the winter is to feel extremely cold. Therefore, consider checking your electrical heating to prepare for the cold season. You can start by checking the main service panel for sparking and the breaker wires for discoloration and poor insulation. If you have a generator as a backup electricity supply, you can contact the best generator maintenance company in your locality to run a quick maintenance check so it doesn’t disappoint you when you need it. 


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