gratitude journal

5 of the Most Powerful Ways You Can Practice Gratitude

Chances are you’ve heard about “practicing gratitude,” and it probably sounds as easy as thanking someone for something they did for you, right? While this is technically a part of practicing gratitude, it actually goes far beyond that. It’s a great way to pay attention to the little things, and it helps show you that the world isn’t always so dark and gloomy. So, here are some powerful ways to practice gratitude every day!


1. Writing down everything you’re grateful for–every day

A gratitude journal is a great way to start your day or even end you’re day if that’s how you want to add it to your routine. It’s an easy way to remember all the things that you are grateful for in your life, and it helps you appreciate them more. The benefits of writing down everything you’re grateful for are innumerable. It helps us remember all of the good things in our lives and take time to appreciate them more than we usually do. You’ll notice that you’ll begin paying attention to all of the little things. However, you’ll need to practice this every day in order for it to work.

2. Appreciating the people around you

The average person will often take the people around them for granted. Even if it is not intentional, this is something that could still technically happen. Some people just don’t always make an effort to say thank you or show appreciation for those closest to them. It’s time you start appreciating the people in your life and letting them know how thankful you are for their presence in your life. While it may sound like a simple task, it is important to remember that the people you interact with daily are not just your friends or colleagues but your family too.

Letting them know how thankful you are for their presence in your life will not only make them feel good but will also make them feel appreciated as well. You don’t need to make it sound sappy, but show them how important they are, and even thank them for the little things they do too. It all adds up.

3. Identifying the small things

When you take a walk outside, the world is your oyster. There is something to see in every direction, and it is a great way to clear your mind. You can also find small things that make everything else worthwhile. These are the little things that make life worth living, like smelling a flower or taking a walk outside. Some people will use cannabis from to help them grasp and notice the little things as their mind is in a calmer state. This could be something that you could try.

4. Taking time to do something nice for someone else

There is something so calming about helping out others, especially if you’re implementing altruism into it rather than having a motive. It’s a nice way to help lower anxiety, but you’re also helping the work turn into a better place.

5. Help without any expectation

This essentially ties into the one above, but if you’re practicing gratitude, then you should also help others put it into practice. Helps those who need help, no matter what it is. You shouldn’t expect anything in return, either. This can include doing some volunteer work, or even something small like helping someone whose car broke down.


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