Halloween Tag 2016 EclecticEvelyn.com

Halloween Blogger Tag

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What’s your favorite Halloween movie?

This is my favorite family friendly Halloween movie.


What age did you stop trick-or-treating?

Stop? Nobody told me I had to stop at a certain age.

Even now after the kids come in the neighborhood we adult emptynesters trick or treat each other.

We meet in the middle of the street and trade candy.  That way we each have a variety of candy and not just the candy we bought to give out.  It’s a fun way for us to enjoy trick or treating even though our kids are all grown and gone.


Favorite Halloween costume you’ve ever dressed up as?


I love any excuse to wear my beautiful witch hat.


Will you dress up this year?
If yes, as what?

Not sure if I am dressing up or not this year. I am still up in the air about that.


Do you enjoy haunted attractions?

I don’t like visiting haunted houses, trails, or mazes.  I like being on the other side of the “wall”. I love to organize haunted attractions and participate as part of the attraction.  I do a really great mad doctor.


Vampires or Werewolves?

Vampires of course but not those fake sparkly ones.

Real Vampires Don;t Sparkle EclecticEvelyn.com


Do you prefer to make or buy your costume?

Make always make.  It’s always great to throw out ideas and then figure out the most creative way to make them out of thrift store finds.


Michael Myers or Freddie Kruger?



Favorite Halloween candy?

Anything chocolate and yes, I am the one person who likes candy corn


Do you decorate your house for Halloween?



Halloween costumes that you dislike/hate?

I don’t like cheap store bought costumes that lack creativity. I really hated those plastic costumes they used to have back when I was little.


Have you ever repeated a costume? What was it?

I have never worn the exact same costume two years in a row but I have been the same character two years in a row.


Do you believe in ghosts?

Yes, I believe in ghosts, spirits, and haints.



Do you enjoy scary movies?

I love scary movies. Below are a few of my favorites.


Favorite Halloween treat that isn’t store-bought candy?

Carmel Apples


Favorite way to spend Halloween day/night?

Getting together with all my friends and celebrating or staying home and watching scary movies all night.



I first found out about this Halloween Tag over on Being a Wordsmith. It originally began with Storybook Apothecary 


Halloween Tag EclecticEvelyn.com


You can participate by answering the questions above in a post on your blog and sharing it in the comments below via pingback (linking to this post)

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3 thoughts on “Halloween Blogger Tag”

  1. lovely! I’m glad you decided to do it 🙂 What a cool way to trade candy with adults – that sounds fun! I need to find some friends to do that with in my apartment haha. Wishing you a great Halloween weekend!

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