woman over 50 doing yoga

5 Effective Health Tips for Women At 50


Hitting 50 years as a woman is a huge milestone. But at this age, fatigue, loss of strength, and weight gain serve as a reminder of old age. Fortunately, you can control body changes more than you can imagine. 

At 50, you might find yourself gaining about 1 -2 pounds per year. And as a woman, you tend to gain more fat after menopause. Your metabolism also drops by approximately 15% by age 50

These statistics should, however, not worry you. With more proactive approaches, you can attain your health at 50. So how can you do it? 

Cut Back Sodium 

Sodium is generally found in various types of food, which is okay. You’re recommended to take 1,500mg of sodium intake per day; this is according to the American Heart Association

Salt is usually added to food to add flavor, preserve, and keep foods moist. However, too much intake of sodium is harmful to our health. That’s why you should keep your salt intake as low as possible. 

Reducing sodium intake lowers your blood pressure, minimizes the risk of a heart attack, and lowers LDL cholesterol. A low sodium diet means your bones can absorb enough calcium for stronger bones. In addition, it minimizes the chances of stomach cancer and kidney stones. 

Avoid things like frozen food, salty snacks, fast food, and canned food, which are great culprits of too much salt. 


Consume Heart-Healthy Food

As you hit 50 years, your focus should shift to heart health. Heart disease is classified as the number one killer of women in the United States. But you can prevent heart disease by taking healthy food

Ensure your basket is always full of leafy greens, olive oil, fish, whole grains, avocados, and nuts. 


Know the Signs of a Heart Attack and Stroke

“Most women have the same symptoms as men,” says Cleveland Clinic cardiologist Leslie Cho, MD. “Up to 70% of women have chest pressure or chest tightness. But 30% of women have atypical symptoms.” Atypical symptoms women need to look out for are extreme fatigue, shortness of breath, and pain in the neck, jaw, or back.


Every 40 seconds, someone in the U.S. suffers a stroke acting fast to recognize the signs of a stroke can lead to a faster recovery and less damage caused to the brain. The majority of strokes are ischemic strokes, meaning they are caused by blood clots that prevent proper blood flow to the brain. If your symptoms go away after a few minutes, you may have had a transient ischemic attack (TIA). Although brief, a TIA is a sign of a serious condition that will not go away without proper medical help such as treatment with blood thinners or a Watchman implant procedure to prevent future blood clots.

Spot a Stroke – FAST [Infographic] – MeMD

You Can Try Cannabis 


Cannabis impacts your brain in different ways. Unlike cigarettes, smoking cannabis isn’t harmful to your lungs; in fact, it can increase your lung capacity for better breathing.

Cannabis can also help in regulating your weight. It is associated with aiding your body to regulate insulin and manage caloric intake, which in turn helps prevent and manage diabetes.

Other significant benefits of cannabis include its ability to fight cancer, treat depression and anxiety, and regulate seizures. As you age and your bones weaken, cannabidiol can help strengthen and heal broken bones.

Marijuana comes in various forms, allowing you to choose your preferred method of consumption. Options include gummies, delta 8 carts, edibles, balms, sprays, tinctures, and even using a dab torch for concentrates. You may have to try different variations until you find the one that works best for you.


Work Out Daily 

Working out has no age limit, so even at 50, you can lift weights or hit the road for jogging. Aim for 30 minutes of exercise per day for five days. Exercises tone your muscles and enhance blood circulation. 

You can start with jogging or brisk walking and gradually improve to HIIT workouts. Also, consider biking, hiking, and swimming. 


The Bottom Line 

At 50, your body undergoes various changes. You might not claim your youthful look, but you can maintain agility. With these tips, you’ll age gracefully and remain energetic. 


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