
3 Tips For Completing A Great Attic Cleanout

If you’re lucky enough to have spare attic space in your household, it’s most likely that this is where you store most of your long-term possessions. For instance, your Christmas decorations and the artificial tree may be stored here year-round, while your keepsakes and other valuables passed down to you may be safe in protected chests here.


From time to time, however, we can forget exactly what we have up there. Decades of storage can lead to an attic seeming as much of a mystery space as any other room in the house, and from here, proper work may need to be done.


Regardless of your desires, a great attic clearout is healthy from time to time, for obvious and necessary reasons. Getting to do it appropriately, however, takes time and may require some advanced planning on your part. Never fear, because here we have decided to group together three of the most important preparation tips when undergoing a great attic clearout, especially as part of a larger deep clean:


Use Self-Storage Services


Mini storage services can ensure that all of the possessions you grab from your attic need not be thrown out or sold immediately. Giving yourself that breathing room to clean, inspect and label items is much easier to achieve when you have space for them. So, as you plan what to do with the space and consider renovations anew, you’ll know that your possessions are protected and in a safe environment for however long you need them. That can be a tremendous benefit for obvious reasons.


Have Certain Items Appraised


Having certain items appraised can help you understand the real value of items you may have only guessed at in the past. This can be useful for two reasons – first, it allows you to dispel false assumptions that you might have had, for better or worse, and it also allows you to make immediate use of sales should you realize collections, vintage possessions or antiques you have are actually quite valuable. Perhaps you have no use for your comic collection kept since you were a child but see on eBay that some of these issues are going for quite a reasonable and worthwhile price. An appraisal makes a big difference.


Consider A Yard Or Online Sale


Making some money from your clearout is always a great idea. Sometimes, though, it can be hard to know what to do with so many items. Having a yard sale can often allow you to clear out many small items for a nominal fee, but in some cases, traveling to markets, trade events or specialist conventions can help you sell off more valuable items more readily. Online sales, such as those on eBay, can also provide you the means to sell certain collections together or in job lots while reaching a much wider audience.


With this advice, we hope you can complete a great attic clearout in the best and most productive manner. Who knows? Perhaps this event could be quite a profitable one, too.

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