Whether you are rocking your life as a retiree or are still in business, you might spend much more time in your home than you usually would. The current lockdowns and travel restrictions might have changed many aspects of our daily lives, and adapting is not always easy. However, implementing a routine that works for you can help you set the tone of the day and boost your confidence.
Look after your skin.
Even if you have never been too much of a makeup woman and you prefer to keep your face clean of products, some tricks can boost your confidence. Of course, staying at home for such a long period can have different effects on our mental and physical wellbeing. However, you can start feeling much more energized, courageous, and determined if your look reflects your beliefs.
This does not mean that you should work towards becoming someone that you are not or wear makeup that makes you feel uncomfortable or out of place. However, at the core of a beauty routine is cultivating loving feelings for our bodies and skin.
Start by tending your skin with creams that can reduce signs of aging. These might not be the visible part of your makeup, but they can help you build a strong foundation for your morning routine.
Understand what works for you
Not all makeups work for everybody, and rocking the look you have picked is essential. While makeup can help us feel more confident and boost self-esteem, it does not necessarily have to make us look at someone we are not. Therefore, picking the products and color palette that enhance your features might help you fall in love with your makeup routine again.
Some tips include:
- always use lip liner to shape your lips, making them stand out more. This simple trick can also stop your lipstick from “bleeding” and give you a scruffy look.
- Avoid using too much powder on your skin, use cream foundation, or moisturizer instead.
- Keep your brows natural and only lightly defined!
- Master the use of concealer – so it does not accentuates signs of age
- Enhance the look of your eyes, but without overdoing it!
- When applying eyeliner, avoid pulling the corners of your eyes. This can result in uneven lines.
- Try a new lip color!

Invest in natural products
Especially if you have never been too much into the whole makeup trend, you might opt for cheap products that can help you try different combinations. Some do so because they are sure they won’t make much use of the products they have bought. However, everything you apply to your skin can impact your look and skin health.
Don’t underestimate the importance of investing in natural products that can enhance the look of your skin. Products that are vegan, all-natural, or not tested on animals are sometimes more expensive. However, these are also the ones that can help you look after your skin and feel confident without creating damages. Lastly, you can do something great for yourself and the planet while looking good!