Coat Conscious

Coat Conscious

Coat of arms
Coated tongue
protects against more than rain

Winter coat
Hand me down coat
coat of many colors
Appalachian poverty
turned into a Christmas Special
entertainment for the masses

Old coat
torn coat
Coat stuffed with newspapers
protection against the cold
on a New York sidewalk

No coat
Coated tongue
no medicine
no bed


This is just a rambling stream of consciousness poem that I hope reminds you to think about coats. Think about how blessed you are to have a coat and about everyone who is cold and without a coat this winter. I hope you will donate coats, scarves, gloves, socks, and other warm clothing to your local homeless shelter. Or you can join the #scrapgan movement and make scarves, blankets, etc. and give them out to people who need them. 


Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday and Just Jot It January is: “coat.” Use it any way you’d like. Have fun!

14 thoughts on “Coat Conscious”

  1. I don’t mean to be negative (and you can delete this if you like) but the email pop-up makes it almost impossible to read your posts on my phone. I’m already subscribed but I can’t ever seem to get it to go away, or I accidentally click on an ad. I often leave without reading ;(

  2. i like the poem. the picture reminds me of times when i have gone into good will or other donation places, where i see lots of coats just hanging for someone to buy. these are the donations that people donate to raise money.

  3. We often don’t think about how important coats are. Today I know I will. It’s cold, and I thankful to have all kinds of coats. While I like a lighter weight, my daughter is always cold and bundles up in a thick coat and scarf. Thanks for the reminder on donating. We like to …pass it on.

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